The first TAEF Friends of the African Media
The first TAEF Friends of the African Media as well as well as Heroes of the African Journalism Awards were held in Bamako, Mali in October 2010. On this occasion, African leaders who had shown great understanding of the role of media on our continent were honoured. They were President Ellen Johnson Searlif of Liberia, President John Kufuor of Ghana, President Alpha Konare of Mali, President Nelson Mandela and President Thabo Mbeki both of South Africa. The heroes of African Journalism honours journalists and editors as well as publishers who stood firm in the face of repression, leading many of them to be killed. Those honoured were Deyda Hydara of The Gambia, Norbert Zongo of Burkina Faso, Pius Njawe of Cameroon, Chief Manneh of The Gambia, and Jean Rugambage of Rwanda.
Photos by: Chris Kwabato